Institutional Review Board

所有涉及Pitzer学院数据收集的项目必须得到Pitzer学院IRB的批准,无论主要研究者(i.e. the primary 教师, 工作人员, (或进行研究的学生)隶属于匹泽学院或其他机构.

Pitzer学院维持一个机构审查委员会(IRB),以确保(1)作为学院社区一部分的研究人员保护尊严, 隐私, and safety of the participants they recruit for their research, and (2) that the dignity, 隐私, 当他们选择参与研究时,Pitzer社区成员的安全受到保护. Pitzer’s IRB deals only with research involving human participants; research involving nonhuman subjects must be reviewed by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of your home college.  See FAQs for more information

学院政策要求所有涉及人类参与者的研究和所有由学生和教师进行的推荐十大正规网赌网站个人的信息收集,或在校园内进行的,都应遵循在 The Belmont Report 所有此类研究和信息收集都必须提交审查委员会审查, 除学生在导师指导下进行的程序外, in the view of the instructor, neither greater than minimal risk, nor conflicts of interest regarding his or her own research, nor participants who may be unable to give informed consent.

Research Involving Human Subjects

Research is defined by federal law Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 46 as “系统化的调查,旨在发展或促进可概括的知识. A ‘systematic investigation’ is any methodical collection of data. This includes interviews, 调查, 测试, observations, or other experiments, regardless of content, even if it is a pilot study.

如果一个研究项目涉及“一个研究者所研究的活生生的个体”,那么这个研究项目就被认为有人类受试者 . . . 通过干预或与个人或可识别的私人信息交互获取数据.” §46.102

唯一的例外是课堂项目(见常见问题11和12),由学生在导师的指导下完成, in the view of the instructor:

  • do not pose greater than minimal risk to the human participants
  • 不要在讲师自己的研究中造成利益冲突
  • do not involve vulnerable populations
  • 不涉及可能无法给予知情同意的人类参与者

You may want to take a look at the following information from the Office of Human Research Protection

In addition, OHRP’s May 14, 2018 guidance, “Effects of Disasters on Human Research Protections Programs,” may also be applicable to the current circumstances. 2018年指南表明,人道主义事务厅将考虑各机构在COVID-19疫情等紧急情况下的情况, and will use available flexibility in its decision making.

Only complete applications will be reviewed. Applications are reviewed as received. Those requiring full board approval may take two to three weeks. 请参阅以下连结,以取得详细资料:

Required Ethics Training

主要研究人员和所有参与研究的个人必须完成花旗道德培训 CITI Program. 然而, 教师 have an alternative option to complete ethics training through HHS公司.政府 (Lessons 1-3). 所有在线培训课程生成的证书必须随IRB审查的申请一起提交.

CITI and HHS公司 certificates are accepted for up to 5 years.

CITI ethics training instructions:

  1. Log in to your CITI account at
  2. 如果您没有花旗银行账户,或者您的现有账户尚未与花旗银行相连, you will need to do the following:
    1. Click on “Log In Through My Organization” listed at the top menu.
    1. 下一个, 输入“Claremont Graduate University”作为您的“组织隶属关系”,并从自动下拉列表中选择“Claremont Graduate University”.  Then click “Continue to SSO Login / Instructions.”
    1. 从那里, 您将被指示在克莱蒙特学院中央认证服务上使用您的大学证书进行认证.
    1. 接下来,系统会提示您是否已经拥有花旗账户. If you don’t, you will go through the process of creating one. 如果您这样做,您将能够将您的帐户与克莱蒙特学院联系起来.
  3. Go to “My Courses” and scroll to the bottom
  4. Click on “Add a Course”
  5. 你将被问到一系列的6个问题,这些问题将帮助你决定选择哪门课程。确保你参加了社会与行为研究基础/复习课程)
  6. Competed courses will show a “view – print – share” option. You can either “view/print” or “copy link”. 如果您转发链接给我,我将能够访问您的完成报告. 

注意:所有花旗计划在线课程模块都是自定进度的,可能会中断和恢复. 训练时间取决于你之前的准备和其他因素, usually entailing up to nine hours. cgu附属申请人使用本网站无需支付任何费用.

HHS公司 ethics training instructions (教师 Only):

作为花旗培训的替代方案,教师可以选择通过以下方式完成道德培训 HHS公司.政府.

Lessons 1-3 are required.

注意:美国卫生和公众服务部.政府 does not save progress or history of certificate completion. Make sure to save certificates offered at the end of each lesson.

IRB Policy Across the 5Cs

IRB审查/批准始于研究人员的家乡校园,足以在克莱蒙特学院进行参与者招募. Access to resources, e.g. student listserve or posting of flyers, 将由各个校园控制,希望获得这些资源的学生/教师将被告知,他们必须与学生办公室联系才能获得这些资源. With the exception of Pomona College, 寻求获得资源的学生/教师将提供来自母校的IRB批准信,但通常不提供IRB申请. In the case of access to resources at Pomona College, 所有申请都将通过IRB联系人进行,并且应将主校区的IRB申请与批准信一起提供.

Contact Information

Chair of the IRB
Pitzer College, Claremont, CA

Sponsored Research and IRB Administrator
Pitzer College, Claremont, CA

FALL 2023 IRB Members

  • Professor Denise Ambriz, Sociology
  • Professor Donald McFarlane, Biology and Environmental Science
  • Professor Lance Neckar, Environmental Analysis
  • Suyapa Portillo Villeda教授,Chican/o- latin /o跨国研究
  • Ina Haugen, Psychologist, External Community Member

Helpful links